Lights! Camera! Action!

Lights! Camera! Action!

Hawaii Video Pro There are a lot of factors that go into making any kind of film or video. Even the most low-budget demonstration video or instructional film requires lights, cameras, sound, and people who know how to use them. In Hawaii, there aren’t a lot of experienced filmmakers working on a day-to-day basis on a wide variety of different kinds of projects. There are even fewer that already have access to commercial lighting racks, boom mics, high-definition video cameras, editing b...

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‘We Can Fix It In Post’

‘We Can Fix It In Post’

IMG 9738 In professional filmmaking, there’s a saying you hear on practically every set 5, 10, or even 30 times per day: “We can fix it in post!”  But what does it mean? The commonly heard phrase refers to problems that occur during filming that are too time-consuming to warrant a reshoot but instead can simply be corrected in post-production. In feature films and TV shows, every second on a film set can cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. So the more fixes you can...

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