Showcase Your Talents with Digital Video
Do you own a business that you want to promote on social media? Whatever you post on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or any of the other popular platforms has the potential to be seen by millions of people. So doesn't it make sense that it looks good? Once your video is online, it lives forever. So an amateurish video you created with your phone can represent your business for decades to come. A better plan is to let Hawaii Video Pro create professional, top-quality videos that will repre...
Read MoreDigital Video Lasts Forever
Recently, there have been news stories about old videotapes from the 1980s still in their original package selling for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. But the question is: How would you actually watch them? Most people don't have videotape machines anymore. They were replaced a long time ago by DVD players. Then Blue Ray players. And today, streaming video is all anybody watches. What the next media for playing video will be is anybody's guess. But one thing is for certain: The ...
Read MoreHawaii’s Food Video Photography Experts
Many people have had the experience of following a recipe carefully and looking at the finished product, asking, "Why doesn't it look like the picture?" The reason is food photography, a niche art that requires technical skills, specialized equipment, and lot of experience to get right. In the same way that famous actors and actresses always look a lot different up close in real life, a plate of food or a bowl of fruit is going to look ordinary on your counter. But when professional food ...
Read MoreNow Any Video Can Include Amazing Aerial Shots
Not that long ago, say a decade or so, only video producers with a big budget could afford to include aerial shots. Unless you owned a helicopter or were willing to rent a costly boom, you were limited with what you could shoot. Today, however, thanks to the wide availability of low-cost drones and improvements to video cameras, just about anybody can easily include a bird’s eye view in their video. From establishing shots to sweeping panoramas and more, aerial video photography adds dr...
Read MoreDocument Your Event with Video
If you are organizing a special event -- such as a running race, a business conference, an investor's meeting, or even just a social event like a charity ball -- documenting the occasion with professionally produced video offers many benefits. Capturing your event on video allows you to review it later, looking for ways to make it better next time. You also can share your video on social media to make new connections with old customers and effective connections with new ones. Video Pow...
Read MoreShowcase Your Business with Video
In today's digital-centric marketing environment, video isn't just the best way to promote your business's products and services. It's practically the only way. People marketing consumption habits have changed in just the last few years. Before COVID, most people might subscribe to their local newspaper. Or get a few magazines in the mail. Or even actually look at the direct mail advertisements that landed in their mailbox. But today, most people just watch video. And why not? It's fas...
Read MoreToday’s Realtors Need Video
It's simple: If you are a realtor today and you don't provide videos of the properties you represent, you are at a distinct disadvantage. Especially in Hawaii. Today's buyers demand video. The days of leading prospective buyers on day-long tours of properties are over. Instead, successful realtors offer a myriad of videos that buyers can peruse at their leisure. And most will only visit those properties they are serious about buying. Video Property Tours In Hawaii, where buyers may live...
Read MoreFill Your YouTube Channel with Great Content
Many creators today are discovering the benefits of launching their own YouTube channel. Owned by Google, YouTube is among the world's most popular streaming apps, attracting billions of visitors every day, all of whom are hungry for great content that educates, informs, and entertains. The most popular YouTube creators not only have millions of fans, they also can earn a significant living -- not to mention gaining celebrity status. It's one of the fastest paths to fame and fortune that ...
Read MoreFeature Your Food on Digital Video
Do you own a restaurant or catering business? Are you a professional chef looking to showcase your culinary skills? Or maybe you're a home cook who would simply like to document your kitchen creations for future generations? Whatever your motivation, Hawaii Video Pro can capture your creativity on digital video for all the world to see. We are one of the leading food video production houses on the Hawaiian Islands. And we have worked with some of the biggest resorts and restaurants, as we...
Read MoreDigital Video Lasts Forever
About 15 years ago, a sea change happened in video and film production and most people didn't even notice. Since the beginning of the recorded entertainment, productions shot onto film that had to be physically developed, edited, and transported from place to place. Today, nearly all TV, movies, and commercial media are created using digital video. Not only it faster and cheaper to produce but -- unlike film, which eventually will diminish in quality and ultimately deteriorate -- digital ...
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