Shoddy Video Production Damages Your Reputation
You are watching TV at home and there's a commercial break during which two ads play. The first is a sleek, professionally made commercial that features attractive actors, effective background music, and a quick yet clear and comprehensible storyline. The second is a cheaply made production that was obviously shot on a smartphone camera with shoddy sound, poor lighting, and a barely understandable message. Which product would you buy? For most people, the answer is obvious. The way busi...
Read MoreVideo Offers Cost-Effective Option for Repetitive Tasks
Training new employees, orientating new students, providing instructions to new applicants. All of these are repetitive tasks that can take a lot of time and energy if done individually. Depending on its scale, repetitive tasks can consume hundreds of man-hours, which can result in a huge labor investment for relatively simple tasks. Businesses, organizations, schools, and other entities often have to spend huge money simply to inform, instruct, or train people on basic, straightforward infor...
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