Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant in HAWAII

Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant in HAWAII

This is the first part of the last video of a 3-video series for the Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area of the Hawaii State Department of Education.

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We created a video about the Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant which focuses on foundational reading, professional learning opportunities, out of school learning opportunities, family empowerment, and culturally relevant texts.

So great to work with the DOE Complex staff, teachers, students & families including Jessica Kato, Danielle Himalaya and many others!

To learn more about our services, please visit our videography services page!

To watch this video, click here.

#minorcollective, #professionaldevelopment #hawaiivideographer, #hawaiivideography, #hawaiivideopro, #hawaiivideoproduction, #hawaiivideos, #videographernearme, #hawaiivideographernearme, #hawaiipromovideo, #hawaiipromovideographer, #hawaiipromotionalvideo, #besthawaiivideos, #hawaiidrone, #dronevideography, #dronephotography, #hawaiidronevideo, #hawaiidronephoto, #hawaiidronevideography, #hawaiistatedepartmentofeducation, #hawaiidoe, #doe, #csldgrant, #CampbellKapoleiComplexArea, #ComprehensiveLiteracyStateDevelopmentGrant, @honouliulims, @ilima_intermediate_school, @ewamakaimiddleschool, @kapoleihigh, @campbell_hawaii, @mauka_lani_elementary, @pohakeaes, #kaimiloaelementaryschool, #barberspointelementaryschool, @iroquoisptelem, #makakiloelementaryschool


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