Don’t Just Tell, Show!
Training is one of the most important parts of running any type of business. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most time-consuming and costly. New employees need to know what they are doing. Existing employees need refreshers on how to perform essential tasks the right way. And everybody from the CEO to the newest line-level worker needs to be constantly reminded about the importance of customer service. Without continual training, just about any enterprise will fail. But the problem is ...
Read MorePeople Are Raving about Hawaii Video Pro!
For years, we've been telling you about all the great services Hawaii Video Pro has to offer businesses, institutions, and individuals. These include wedding video services, television commercial production, and even instructional and training videos. Today, however, we are going to turn it over to the people who know our business best: Our customers. In all the time we have been producing professional, effective videos for people throughout Hawaii and beyond, we've accumulated a lot of ravin...
Read MoreShoddy Video Production Damages Your Reputation
You are watching TV at home and there's a commercial break during which two ads play. The first is a sleek, professionally made commercial that features attractive actors, effective background music, and a quick yet clear and comprehensible storyline. The second is a cheaply made production that was obviously shot on a smartphone camera with shoddy sound, poor lighting, and a barely understandable message. Which product would you buy? For most people, the answer is obvious. The way busi...
Read MoreVideo Offers Cost-Effective Option for Repetitive Tasks
Training new employees, orientating new students, providing instructions to new applicants. All of these are repetitive tasks that can take a lot of time and energy if done individually. Depending on its scale, repetitive tasks can consume hundreds of man-hours, which can result in a huge labor investment for relatively simple tasks. Businesses, organizations, schools, and other entities often have to spend huge money simply to inform, instruct, or train people on basic, straightforward infor...
Read MoreProfessional Video Production for Your Wedding
Will you watch your wedding video once all the guests have gone home, the honeymoon is over, and you and your partner are settled into your new life together? If you are like most couples, the answer is an unqualified, "Yes!" Some couples report that their wedding video is one of the things they watch more than anything else -- even more than their favorite TV shows and movies. It's not unusual for couples to queue up their wedding video a few times a year. There are others who will watch it ...
Read MoreVideo Testimonials Promote Your Brand or Business
When somebody personally recommends a product or service to you, aren't you more likely to listen to them than a commercial on TV, radio, or online? Of course, you are. Most people assign more weight to person-to-person recommendations than any other type of promotion. So one of the fastest, easiest, and more successful ways to promote your business or brand is to create video testimonials from customers who are raving fans. Professionally produced video testimonials create that personal conn...
Read MoreCommercials More Important than Ever
If you own a business, you already know the importance of constantly attracting a new crop of prospective customers. The best way to get your business in front of people looking for the type of products or services you offer is commercial advertising. But local television isn't as important as it used to be. With so many other opportunities for people to view entertainment -- including video streaming, online videos, social media, and others -- is it even worth producing a TV commercial for y...
Read MorePeople Eat with Their Eyes First
Are you hungry? If so, consider the physiological reaction your body has when you see an image of something delicious. The human brain naturally craves food when the eyes see something that looks good to eat. It's as natural as breathing. And if you own a restaurant, catering company, or other food-related business, it could be the key to your success. Seeing Is Believing Most great chefs know that people eat with their eyes before they consume food physically. That's why they spend so muc...
Read MoreBuild Your Global Reputation as an Expert
Do you have a specialized skill? An area of expertise that sets you apart from everybody else? Something you know better than anybody? If so, you could be recognized as a global expert in your field. All you need is access to everybody in the world. Fortunately, the internet provides just that. How to Be an Expert To be globally recognized as an expert in whatever it is that you know well, all you need is access to the internet and a video -- or series of videos -- in which you illustra...
Read MoreVideo Simplifies Training
If you own a business and need to train your employees on a new policy or procedure, you have a couple of different options. The first is to schedule face-to-face employee training sessions where you can explain the new policy, have the employee practice it, and then test them on their comprehension of the material. A second option is to hire a professional trainer and hold group classes where employees are taught the new procedure altogether, with practicing and testing to follow. Both of...
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